Beckett & Raeder, Inc. (BRI) is a member of the design team retained by Michigan State University to prepare schematic design, design development, construction documents, and construction administration for the 1855 Place Mixed-Use (retail, office and residential) Redevelopment project. The site selected in a previous study (which BRI participated as a member of the design team) is the former State Police Post site on the western edge of the campus. The site inherits several legacy uses including University Village Apartments, and a significant number of event parking spaces which will be accommodated within the proposed plan. The new uses include approximately 800 beds, 100,000 SF of office, retail development including a market, coffee shop, Spartan apparel shop, and special event ticketing, 1300 surface parking spaces and an 800 car parking structure. The project is being designed to LEED Silver requirements and will seek certification for the office/retail building and site work.
Currently under construction, BRI is providing civil, site and landscape design and engineering services. Michigan Department of Environmental Quality permitting is required for minor work in the floodplain. Storm water management in the form of infiltration beds, bioswales, vegetated swales, porous bituminous paving, and pervious pavers are designed to meet the University Stormwater permit with the State of Michigan.
The project is being implemented in two fast track phases with the first phase issued being completed in August 2016, and the second phase being completed in August 2017.
For more information, please visit http://future.rhs.msu.edu/