Beckett & Raeder, Inc. offers clients a full range of planning services for managing community growth, development, and revitalization. Our commitment to making great places means collaborating with local units of government, planning commissions, community organizations, citizens, funding resources, and development entities to create an attractive and viable vision for the future. Whether we are analyzing stakeholders and incentive packages at the site scale, or designing community engagement strategies to bring a dozen townships together, BRI crafts strategies that are always driven by excellent data, tailored to a community's strengths, and reflective of its unique character.
Scope of Services:
Community Master Plans
Strategic Planning
Campus Planning
Recreation Master Planning
Park Master Planning
Greenway Planning
Rural Land Planning
Land Use Planning
Community Development
Traditional Neighborhood &
Small Town Design
Watershed Planning
GIS Services
Natural Features Interpretive Studies
Market Analysis
Brownfield Redevelopment
Tax Increment Financing &
Development Plans
Zoning Ordinances / Codes
Specialized Zoning Ordinance Provisions
Development Standards & Guidelines
Downtown Management
Special Finance Districts
Adaptive Reuse Studies
Retail Market Analysis
Charrette & Visioning Workshops
Physical Design Plans
DDA Creation
New Urbanism
Expert Witness Zoning Testimony