Beckett & Raeder, Inc. prepared a comprehensive corridor development plan for the Plymouth Road Development Authority in 1997 and over a ten year period worked with them to implement a variety of recommended projects. The corridor plan included a review of traffic and circulation, land use and development patterns, public infrastructure, municipal lighting, and site development issues. The approved corridor redevelopment plan recommended a collection of improvements estimated at $24,000,000.
Improvements included enhanced pedestrian crossings, new sidewalks, driveway approaches, screening walls, municipal street lighting, irrigation and landscaping, intersection mast arm signalization, and new street signage. Easements were procured to complete improvements on private property within the corridor.
Implementation of public-financed improvements leveraged significant private investment in existing and underutilized properties. The former Wonderland Mall was redeveloped into a lifestyle center that included a variety of national, regional and local businesses. A closed theater property was converted into a mixed development including retail and residential townhomes and other sites were used to accommodate new businesses and restaurants. Because the corridor is completely walkable and bikeable there is a daily exchange between office employees, residents and retail patrons along the six-mile corridor.