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Beckett & Raeder hires Claire Karner as Associate Planner

Beckett & Raeder, Inc. would like to welcome Claire Karner to our team as an Associate Planner!

Originally from Traverse City, Michigan, Claire studied biology and environmental policy at the University of Michigan, then received a Master in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon in 2011. Claire worked for two years at a regional transit agency in Eugene, Oregon before moving back to Traverse City to take a job as a Community Planner at the non-profit Land Information Access Association (LIAA). While at LIAA, Claire specialized in resiliency and climate adaptation, natural resource policy, and the intersection between public health and land use policy.

Since joining Beckett & Raeder, Claire has worked with the City of Harrison to write a Five-Year Recreation Plan and is currently working with LIAA to develop a Community Resiliency Handbook for the state of Michigan. She is also assisting with the Rising Tide initiative, a project spearheaded by the State of Michigan to offer technical assistance to ten communities across the state. She will be working out of our Traverse City office location.

Claire ran varsity track and cross country while at the University of Michigan. She is an avid environmentalist and four-season bicycle commuter. In her spare time, Claire enjoys exploring the outdoors, making glass beads on her torch, and spending time with her husband and 1-year old son, Blaise.

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