Beckett & Raeder, Inc. was retained by the University of Michigan to design and engineer site work for the Wall Street East Parking Structure which provides 720 spaces of parking for the University Medical Campus. The Wall Street East Parking Structure is significant for sustainability and community benefits it provides while achieving the University’s functional needs. The project site was previously a paved surface parking lot, partially within the Huron River 100-year floodplain, with limited stormwater controls. The design not only increased parking by 510 parking spaces, but also removed all parking from the Huron River floodplain and created green space in the portion of site closest to residential neighbors.
To improve water quality and aquatic habitat of the adjacent Huron River, a stormwater management approach was developed to greatly reduce the volume and rate of stormwater release to the City’s storm sewer system. This was accomplished through extensive use of porous site pavement materials; stormwater infiltration pipes and storage chambers beneath pavements; mechanical and green infrastructure water quality treatment systems; and a feature sedge meadow infiltration garden. Additionally, landscape plantings used throughout the project are native or adapted species minimizing the need for supplemental maintenance and irrigation.
Wall Street East Parking Structure
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
2016 Merit Award for Landscape Architectural Sustainability
Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects